3 Months Unlimited OLD

3 months unlimited package is valid for all group classes with no limitation of days. Based on availability and class schedule determine by Osi Body Fit LLC and/or affiliates.

If a class is booked- up to 6 hours before to cancel free of charge.

If a classed is booked - cancelations of 6 hours and less will be results in a fee of $20.

3 months unlimited will require a contract for 3 months period ,you will be able to pause the membership once up to 30 calander days for no charge.

If you required to pause the membership for a second time a $35 fee will apply.

No cancellations or refunds.

All prices are including Sales tax where applicable

Start date
Pro-rata 01/28/2025 till 01/31/2025
$ 37.29
Amount to be paid now
From 02/01/2025 monthly
$ 289.00

3 Months Duration

No auto renewal


group sessions
please accept the terms and conditions. check this box to contniue
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